Monday, July 26, 2010

tales from the brownbook.

K: i haven't written in my token journal in awhile, i have no new thoughts except for dissertation editing and nostalgia for yesteryear.
so instead, i end the night with an entry from brownbook.
only words: we did not win the film contest.

"Shilioh Pressly: 4th cousin
not directly related but still of the bloodline.
Kabbalah - because Madonna does it. --> through DNA --> Pressley --> I'm the heir to the checkers convenience store chain.

-->what's your favourite food? - chocolate dipped sourkeys...
-that's alot of sugar
"that's my 2nd favourite food!"
Ideas for the future? "where do you see yourself in 10 years, shiloh?
- well......we'll be the most successful rockband of all time.
And what if that doesn't happen?
- ...........................what do you mean......

on the couch
-->diseased: "the blood wants to leave my body, but the doctor said take this pill, and it won't leave my body"
So you're an actress?
"yea. but directors don't wanna take a chance on me because of my condition. i can't travel anymore"
why's that?
"because i got caught stealing blood from donor clinics"
how long has this been an issue?
"since forever" -- allergic to own blood (Chris give me a pot of flowers)
what blood type are you?
"O negative. I had 40 kg in my possession when the cops found out.

Clown in kitchen, somebody crying in corner.

"My name is Ed Thomas.
- opening sequence, eating, I reach over and the cutlery drops to the floor
- Chris give me the flowers and theyre knocked over.
"Did you do that?"
"you made a on our behalf to CAMH" - SIck Kids Looking to the Future

what's your fav movie?
"Erin Brokovich."
why's that?
"she's really powerful & she really overcomes"
what's your favourite food?

"Shiloh Pressley. heiress to the Pressley estate and daughter to Lisa Marie Presley Jackson Cage. an unknown mental .....unfortunately for Shiloh, her life was predestined for failure, where intense public interest meant a reality show for shiloh presley. Doctors would further use this film as evidence in shiloh's emancipation."

THIS SCRIPT was an achievement, the film went on to win Best-in-Show, but lost against a group of child filmmakers.

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